Blurred Black Background
an individual in a colorful dress smiling at the camera

create a life & business

that you love

Strategize With Kimberly

Are you fulfilled & joyful?


Are you feeling stuck in life or business?

Do You Love Your Life?

smiling person working on laptop in front of the ocean showing that she loves her life and is not settling in her work or job
a woman with with a display on her shirt that says tapped into my power

Tapped Into

it is flashing tapped into my power
an individual wearing a white top and earrings with tapped into my power on her shirt


Tap Into Your Power

What is your super power?

Are you operating in your power?

it is an arrow pointing to the next page that says we can help you gain clarity, tap into your power and monetize your passions by starting your business

Monetize Your Passions

a person in a green suit holding a sign that says living in purpose honoring my passions

Living In



My Passions

Are you ready to launch or scale your business?

Do you want to increase your income?

Are you tired of your stressful job?

Are you ready to live in purpose?

Does Your ‘Work’ Bring You Joy

We Can Help You

woman holding a sign that says I need clarity. Below it says gain clarity on next steps, determine pivots and strategies
a picture of a woman holding a sign that says I need clarity



It says gain clarity on next steps and determine pivots and strategies

Gain Clarity On Next Steps

Determine Pivots & Strategies

a woman holding a sign that asks are you tapped in?
picture of woman that asks are you tapping in
tapped into your power strengths leadership gifts with link to schedule free consultation for coaching

Tap Into Your Power

Strengths - Leadership - Gifts

a person holding a sign that says come in we're open
the words monetize your passions purpose and legacy building with the link to set an appointment for a free consultation

Monetize Your Passions

Launch Or Scale Your Business

Gain Access To

four women in african print dresses
it says a supportive network High Powered Women's Group with link to facebook group The High Powered Women's Network

A Supportive Network

High Powered Women’s Group

Protecting Your Assets
it says estate and identity protection based on your unique needs and the link to make an appointment for a free consultation
picture of founder Kimberly Shanks of her speaking to an audience
Transformative events to help you reach your goals with link to find out more

Transformative Events

To Help You Reach Your Goals

Strategize with Kimberly produces business and life changing results.

picture of person who gave the 5 star rating to Strategize With Kimberly

C. Schroeder

Strategize With Kimberly Was given a rating of 5 out of 5 stars for excellent coaching

Strategize With Kimberly is an amazing business, and more specifically, Strategize with Kimberly produces business and life changing results. From opening your mind to new or old ideas you may have had already but not enough courage or affirmation to do it, or moving forward on a business plan.

She is giving, kind, and a blessed servant to those who need help and she considers your needs with a great gift of insightfulness. You should definitely work with Kimberly if you want and need help with wherever you are in business or in life, she is a great person to work and strategize with :)

About Kimberly

It is an absolute honor and privilege to accompany you on your journey to craft and live the life of your dreams!

With 3 decades of experience in education, strategic planning, organizational leadership, professional development and consulting, 4 decades, crafting and facilitating transformative events, and 16 years in business development, I am seasoned and equipped to help you break through barriers and achieve your goals.

I am ecstatic that I get to live in purpose as a strategist, speaker, and your experienced business development and strategy coach, helping you tap into your power and live life on your terms.


red box with picture of Kimberly Shanks founder of Strategize With Kimberly insidered box with picture of Kimberly Shanks founder of Strategize With Kimberly insidered box with picture of Kimberly Shanks founder of Strategize With Kimberly inside
picture of your business development and strategy coach Kimberly Shanks founder and CEO of Strategize With Kimberly

Upcoming events

The High Powered Women’s Network

Friday - October 3th, 2025 - 7pm

VIP Reception

Saturday - October 4th, 2025


Main Transformational Event

Cincinnati, Ohio

paper cutout of a face on a black background with that has the upcoming event The High Powered Women's Network event October 18th, VIP reception and October 19th Main Transformational event which will be held in Cincinnati

Upcoming events

For Our teens

An educational platform


summer & after school experience


Learn & Expand Knowledge of History

Financial Literacy

Building Your Legacy

july 2025

a microphone in a recording studio with the word rode on it. the page says she speaks your inspiration and advertises the podcast, date and time

She speaks - your inspiration


a woman with curly hair wearing a green blazer

The Power Of Good-BYE

Tune In

live at 7pm

this is an arrow pointing to button to play the song

Click here to play song

Rise Up - Spread your wings & fly

Song subject to copywrite infringement.

permission needed to use